An analysis of macro-economic variables of India:

Durga Vivek
7 min readFeb 2, 2021



This article was actually done to analyse and explain the various macro-economic data growth rates and trends of India. Macro economics variables such as GDP, GNP, National Income, Per capita Income, Income ,CPI , Inflation, Exports, Imports, GDP growth rate, GDP deflation and GNP were analysed as discussed in class. By doing this individually we come to know the economic trends, the various reasons for these trends and the way it was recovered .

The analysis includes the year ; of 2011–12: 2019–20, which have been calculated on monthly basis. The base year used throughout the calculations is 2011–12.


Agribusiness is the foundation of Indian economy as around 70–75% of the populace depends straightforwardly or in a roundabout way on horticulture. The Indian monetary development is straightforwardly corresponding to the horticulture business development. The horticulture development has been stale in India and necessities an innovation upheaval to have the option to meet the developing populace prerequisites of the country. However, metropolitan India has data innovation in its span, rustic populace is still to profit by Information Technology particularly in the farming area. This is the place where AgriWare Networks comes in and give arrangements that can help battle this significant concern.

The choice of the recently free Indian government to receive a blended economy, embracing the two components of both industrialist and communist frameworks, brought about gigantic failures borne out of the way of life of interventionism that was an immediate consequence of the dull usage of strategy and failings inside the actual framework. The longing to move towards a Soviet style mass arranging framework neglected to acquire a lot of force in the Indian case because of various preventions, an untalented labor force being one of many gathering of quick creating monetary forces.

By the turn of the 21st century, India was quickly advancing towards an unrestricted economy. India’s advancement has proceeded and it presently has a place with the BRIC.

The analysis of various macroeconomic variables such as GDP, GNP, GDP deflator, Inflation and many more. The base year of 2011–12 has been taken to keep the data as recent and relevant as possible. Various factors such as 2011–12 economic recession, , demonetisation and the recent COVID-19 pandemic have all constituted to the fluctuations in the above-mentioned variables.

Analysis of the Macro-economic variables

Gross Domestic Product (GDP ) :

Gross domestic product is the all out market estimation of every last great and administrations that have been delivered inside a country in a given timeframe, generally a year. Genuine GDP figures fill in as a significantly more solid instrument in assessing in which bearing a country’s economy might be going, as they are adapted to expansion and reflect genuine value advancements.

Graphical representation of Indian GDP.

The above graph is the GDP of India from the year 2011–12 to 2019–20. The GDP has been increasing in a steady manner. There has not been a drastic change of a fall or a rise in the GDP in the last decade in India. GDP is stable in India.

GDP Growth rate and Inflation :

GDP growth rate

Gross domestic product development rate gives the level of progress in the GDP from the past estimation cycle. It is normally determined every year. The GDP will undoubtedly rise however the genuine monetary circumstance of a nation can be found from its development rate. At the point when the GDP development pace of a nation is rising decidedly it implies that the economy in the nation is progressing admirably and it is negative it implies the nation is going in a financial downturn. Easing back down in the development rate may bring about business’ closing down and cutbacks.

Graphical representation of GDP Growth rate and Inflation:

The above is the GDP development rate and Inflation of India from 2011–2019. It is plainly obvious that the GDP development rate had a lofty fall till 2013 yet then gradually recuperated after 2013 and expanded. This might have been a direct result of the financial approaches received by the Urjit Patel Committee which was framed in 2013. It was at its top in 2016 (8.25%) after which there has been a consistent decay. The main explanation was the demonetisation which occurred in 2016 in light of which numerous individuals lost their positions and the economy of the nation went dull. Furthermore, the new explanation behind the negative development of GDP is that of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the fact that it arrived at a low of 2.279 in 2015 it was still inside the constraint of 2%.

GDP Deflator (inflation)

Gross domestic product deflator is one of the measures for a nation’s swelling. The GDP deflator is estimated by isolating Nominal GDP by Real GDP entire duplicated by 100. It is likewise called the inflationary value record. Gross domestic product deflator shows by how much expansion of cost has happened. By this one would know whether GDP expanded on account of expansion in business and other fundamental elements or exclusively due to an increment in the cost.

Graphical representation of GDP deflator(inflation).

The above chart if the GDP deflator inflation of India from 2011–2019. 2012 was the year with the highest inflation. It was around 10.5%. Immediately after this the Urjit Patel committee was set up which set inflation targeting as its monetary policy; as mentioned earlier is in a range of 2–6%. So after 2013 the inflation was within the range of inflation target whereas the before that inflation could go to very extremes of inflation and deflation.


Gross National Product (GNP) data from India is updated regularly. Gross National Product in India found the middle value of 11388052.67 INR Tens Of Million from 2011 until 2019, arriving at an unequaled high of 14522931 INR Tens Of Million of every 2019 and a record low of 8659505 INR Tens Of Million out of 2011

Graphical representation of Gross National Product (GNP)


India’s major exports includes spices, food, grains, tea etc… Additionally, the value of the various types of machinery India exported was valued at over 29 billion U.S. dollars. Other major exports include spices, tea, coffee, tobacco in agriculture, along with iron and steel.

Graphical Representation of Exports of India

The above graph represents that there is a drastic rise in the purchase of goods from other country during the period of 2014–15 .


India’s major imports includes petroleum products, gems and jewelry, and drug formulations. Additionally, the value of the various types of machinery India imported was valued at over 29 billion U.S. dollars.

Graphical representation of Imports of India

The graphically represents the increasing amount of imports took place after the period of recession

National Income:

National income is the total value a country’s final output of all new goods and services produced in one year. Understanding how national income is created is the starting point for macroeconomics.

Graphical Representation of National Income of India.

Per capita Income:

Per capita income is a measure of the amount of money earned per person in a nation or geographic region. Per capita income can be used to determine the average per-person income for an area and to evaluate the standard of living and quality of life of the population. Per capita income for a nation is calculated by dividing the country’s national income by its population.

Graphical Representation of Per capita of India


A consumer price index measures changes in the price level of a weighted average market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. A CPI is a statistical estimate constructed using the prices of a sample of representative items whose prices are collected periodically.

Graphical Representation of Consumer Price Index of India.

The Graphical Representation of Consumer Price Index of India shows that its rapidly increasing drasticallydue to increase in inflation.

Cost of living:

Cost of living indexes are meant to compare the expenses an average person can expect to incur to acquire food, shelter, transportation, energy, clothing, education, healthcare, childcare, and entertainment in different regions. A cost of living index is also used to track how much the costs of basic expenses rise over a period.


This study examines the role of some fundamental macroeconomic factors in explaining the long and short-run behavior of the Indian market. In particular, this study examines the GNP, GDP, Gross national income,Income, Exports, Imports and CPI selected macroeconomic variables over the period from April 2011 to March 2020. These macroeconomic variables consist of internal macroeconomic variables namely, inflation rate, growth rate as a whole country. The Indian development story proceeds as it celebrates one more radiant year as a free country.

